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Trick Or Treat 2015 1.0 Released

Posted in Announcements
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I've created a new mod for Halloween. This mod features spooky re-skins of the characters default skins, a new unlock-able ghost skin for each character (simply visit any levels Skin Shop), a new spooky re-skin of the player's default cars, and several settings to spookify Levels 1 to 6 as you see fit.

This mod requires Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher 1.12. See this thread for information about 1.12.

This mod is decompilable and you can play around with the source code by right clicking it in the Launcher and clicking "Decompile".

You can download it from the SHAR Mods mods page.


h̛a̶v̛é yo͠u ̴e͝v͡e͠r̴ pla̷y̶ed ̧k̸i͞l͝li̛n͏g f̵l̴oo̸r̡?͡ ̨becaus͢e͜ t̕hi͞s gi͏v̡es̵ mȩ v͢įb͟es of how̶ ͞t͘h͘e ͟deve̵l͘o͘pe̡rs ͟d͝o̢ ͜a̶n ͠e̴v̕ent́ fo̸r ̷t͢h̶e̕ ģame ̛e͡ve̸ry h̨ơlid͝ay.
I can't find the Spooky Ferrini seller.
It should be sold by Gil in Level 6.
This post has been removed.
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
He ceases to exist, I swear.
Also, whenever I try to change something in the mod settings, end result is a crash.
As in the Launcher crashed, or the game crashed because you changed the settings?


I released an update to the mod that may or may solve the issue (I don't know what the problem is). If you still have that issue, please post it on this new thread.