Forum topic replies
AlfredoAndFriends has posted 44 times.
An Unusual Christmas - Remastered
Posted on (3 months ago)
It looks freaking cool a mixture of the cancelled mod and An Unusual Christmas
Mod Showcase Guidelines
Posted on (4 months ago)
I have a question about the new update. Will this affect non-Altered or Synthetic Content such as Character mod or vehicle mods?
Pickle Mod - Rick & Morty: Hit & Run (1.1.3)
Posted on (6 months ago)
Can I use Homer's Tow Truck and Homer's Ice Cream truck for my mod
how do i get the SUV B and Sports C from Midnight Racing : Springfield?
Posted on (9 months ago)
The mod is not decompilable
Does anyone want to collaborate on my mod?
Posted on (1 year ago)
I'm good at coding the missions in the mfk's files
PSA: Discord Links (Updated: 31 March 2024)
Posted on (1 year ago)
I got a question. Why did Discord make this change to the links?
"Midnight Racing: Springfield": Released beta & backstory
Posted on (1 year ago)
Your going to have to wait until she release's full mod that is decompilable and then you can use the cars what ever you want until then you're going to have to wait for a while