Forum topic replies
Bart_Simpson has posted 8 times.
Discord server
Posted on (8 years ago)
My discord name is: Bart_Simpson and i have a T-Positioned Skinner as image
Custom Skins Problem
Posted on (8 years ago)
I understand why and im happy to help. It happened to me once, you just need to insert "char_swatches_lit.bmp" in the p3d of the character and rename it "Homer_Pink.bmp" (just and example of name) and then rename the " "char_swatches_lit.bmp" (shader)" to " "Homer_Pink.bmp" and then you will see "Te...
I've added Nametag above player and Driver Type nametag above vehicle
Posted on (8 years ago)
I got defensive because i had a hard day, i apologize for this. But by the way, have you guys found a way to set it on a selected area? Because i'm not sure but if you didnt, ill try to do it and send ya a link to it so you can name locations.
I've added Nametag above player and Driver Type nametag above vehicle
Posted on (8 years ago)
Thanks for supporting it, also it is goanna work in some waypoints of the map. Ill try to add it on some waypoints.
I've added Nametag above player and Driver Type nametag above vehicle
Posted on (8 years ago)
Dont you thing new features might be useful? or is it made by the wrong person? Is that your problem? show me you can also do this if you know. I dont make mods. I try adding new features. Also im not why i added it because people might try to steal my idea so yeah. Prove you can make one, also try...
The Trick or Treat 2016 Event - Starting 29 October 2016
Posted on (8 years ago)
You can add a Pumpkin Outfit for Bart, a Batman outfit for Homer, a Frankenstein outfit for Apu... Also it would be really cool an orange sky around every map.
Ferrini Racers
Posted on (8 years ago)
Hey guys i'll update the mod as soon i can, but say hello to my new user, i have trouble logging in the other one and i have to change the password everytime i log in so i decided to make a new one