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Clover has posted 7 times.
An unusual discovery I didn't want to leave this undocumented
Posted on (8 months ago)
That makes alot of sense. Thanks Addy. Now I'm curious to see if replacing the non demo disc version of Mystery Mayhem with a non demo disc version of SHAR has the same results.
Rare error screen I got by going out of bounds in the PS Mag UK demo disc
Posted on (10 months ago)
Hey Addy. That's interesting. I wonder if there would be more discoverys to be found on the demo disc if there was a way to disable the error message. Though I imagine the game would still crash regardless probably
Rare error screen I got by going out of bounds in the PS Mag UK demo disc
Posted on (10 months ago)
Hey Kenny Giles What I did was go beside Chief Wiggums house in the Family Sedan (Glass truck also worked) reverse while using the honk to jump cheat and as soon as the car touched the ground honk to jump again and you can semi consistently get out of bounds that way to explore a less textured pet c...
Does anybody know what caused this oddity?
Posted on (11 months ago)
Oh interesting. I wasn't aware other people knew about the corrupt looking car textures in the PS2 version. I usually get it to occur by calling the same car repeatedly from the phone booth. I used to think this glitch was so cool as a kid lol If it was an obscure detail with the taxis then maybe it...
Does anybody know what caused this oddity?
Posted on (11 months ago)
Ooh that actually would make alot of sense. Never considered that.
I can't save an edited car on the P3D editor
Posted on (4 years ago)
Right click on the Canyonero P3D file, go to properties and disable "Read-only".