Posted on (3 years ago)
Posted on (4 years ago)
Posted on (4 years ago)
Posted on (6 months ago)
Well, well, well! Neat to see that this mod did end up making it to release. Congratulations on that, Pikachu! I got a chance to play it relatively recently. I believe I've mostly done everything the mod has to offer. I'm playing the 1.1 build (which seems to address some criticisms that kRoLLiK poi...
Posted on (10 months ago)
Late as heck, but creating a new topic is pretty simple and can just be done by clicking the button in the far left corner labelled 'Create A Topic'. You can also click here if need be. I went ahead and finally got around to beating all of the Missions present in the mod. This means I've beaten all...
Posted on (10 months ago)
Oh hey I remember the demo for this being posted quite a while back! I'm afraid I never quite got the chance to play that demo, but it's cool to see the final thing is now out! Congratulations on sticking out development to create a full release! I'm currently in the middle of playing it right now a...