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JTN has posted 17 times.

SHAR: Mod Showcase Beta Release

More Springfield Landmarks

Posted on (1 month ago)

All those will definitely be in the mod. well ,Duff Gardens would be more difficult to place, it would be in the background.

44 replies
SHAR: Mod Showcase Beta Release

More Springfield Landmarks

Posted on (1 month ago)

Thanks the area is the last thing I worked on,so why not include it since I was gonna update the demo anyway? I'm not working on Donut Mod or Futurama Hit & Run. the creators are a league on their own.

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44 replies
SHAR: Mod Showcase Beta Release

More Springfield Landmarks

Posted on (1 month ago)

Thank you everyone for the feedback, the collsission problems will be eventually fixed, and I updated the demo with the Android's Dungeon interior and the Mall issue fixed, alongside a new teasing unaccesible area in the Matlock expressway I have been working. I don't wan't to mess with the OG gampl...

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44 replies
SHAR: Mod Showcase Beta Release

More Springfield Landmarks

Posted on (1 month ago)

Well, my plan was gonna wait to finish the first 3 levels before releasing a demo, but after some consideration, I think I have enough material to release a demo to make the wait more pleasant, as I'm seeing it is far from being finished. So, I just released a DEMO In the first page containig all th...

44 replies
SHAR: Mod Showcase Beta Release

More Springfield Landmarks

Posted on (2 months ago)

Happy new year everyone, here are some new updates. Cracker factory, the salt silos belong to the cracker factory,as seen in "Skinner's Sense of Snow", so this was the most logical place to put it. Buck Mccoy's mansion Kent Brockman's mansion (or giant castle, as Arnie Pie would say), it changes of...

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44 replies
SHAR: Mod Showcase Beta Release

More Springfield Landmarks

Posted on (4 months ago)

Thanks for undestanding, I will try not take such a long break. Anyway, I have more thing to show and this time with fun facts Frink's house, the road rage hover car was added to make sense of the collisions, as I don't want to mess with them. It is subject to change tho. Mrs Glick's (the old lady B...

44 replies
SHAR: Mod Showcase Beta Release

More Springfield Landmarks

Posted on (4 months ago)

Sorry for being absent in a year, to be hones I was feeling overwhelmed with this mod, the scale and the amount of work required started to feel like a chore, I was also trying to extract the road rage downtown level so I could acelerate things but I guess i have to create my own buildings. Anyway,...

44 replies
SHAR: Mod Showcase Beta Release

More Springfield Landmarks

Posted on (1 year ago)

The good thing of the Fully concected mpa is that it gives more space to place buildings, so expect some buildings to be relocated compared to the main version, If the Mall doesn't look good in that place I will have to move it.

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44 replies
SHAR: Mod Showcase Beta Release

More Springfield Landmarks

Posted on (1 year ago)

I added the to the individual levels to experinece them in the missions of the base game as Fully Connected Map is free roam only, I'm considering doing a version of the mod using fully conected map once I finish the main mod.

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44 replies
SHAR: Mod Showcase Beta Release

More Springfield Landmarks

Posted on (1 year ago)

I would love to do that, Not only the Krusty burger but other areas too, but my knowlege doesn't go that far.

44 replies