
Hello and welcome to my channel, I do gameplay videos of games I modded. I upload videos showing off cool stuff I do in Games with Cheat Engine. I plan to make guides of how to do this and other things with Cheat Engine on PCSX2 for this channel. Games I mod are Timesplitters 2 , Dynasty Warriors 3,4,5, and 8 empires (mainly for Create-A-Warrior funnies.) Samurai warriors 1, 2, 3, Warriors Orochi 2, and many more. Please leave a like and subscribe to my channel to keep up to date on what's to come! if you bought mods from other channels they are just scamming you for money, DO NOT BUY MODS! YOU ARE ENCOURAGING THESE LOSERS TO KEEP DOING IT! Mods are hobbies not products!

I can be reached at Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanbeiKs7 Discord: 👺KanbeiKS7👹#4290 or even here. :P

Download all my tables here: https://sites.google.com/view/psx2moddingempire/home

Donate here if you wish to have me make more content not forcing you too! :3 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/KanbeiKS7

Forum topics (1)


Help with adding Voiceline and other voices to my mod

Posted on (1 year ago)

0 replies