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KingNuke has posted 5 times.

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When ever I try to open the new 1.23.12 launcher a error occurs.

Posted on (4 years ago)

Hi, Josh. I will absolutely try my best to answer those questions for you! Here is a screenshot to show my Windows version: Here. The mod launcher is not pinned to the taskbar or the start menu. About the save files, how would I run my save file from the 1.16.2 launcher, to the new 1.23.12 launcher?...

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Support Help Needed

When ever I try to open the new 1.23.12 launcher a error occurs.

Posted on (4 years ago)

Hi, Josh. That seemed to have fixed it so now it launches Is there anything else you would like me to do now? Kind Regards, King Nuke Edit I launched the game and my save file was gone. Not sure if it has to do with the launcher or not?

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Support Help Needed

When ever I try to open the new 1.23.12 launcher a error occurs.

Posted on (4 years ago)

Hi, Josh. I have already done so and nothing changes Kind Regards, King Nuke

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Support Help Needed

When ever I try to open the new 1.23.12 launcher a error occurs.

Posted on (4 years ago)

Okay, I have done this. Umm, both with and without the speech marks in place. The error still occurs. Screenshot of the txt file Screenshot of the error (In case it is different to the last, however, it looks the same to me.) Kind Regards, KingNuke

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Support Help Needed

When ever I try to open the new 1.23.12 launcher a error occurs.

Posted on (4 years ago)

Hi, how would I go about doing that? Kind Regards, KingNuke

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