Forum topic replies
LucasRM72024 has posted 16 times.
I can't use Lucas' Radcore Cement Library Builder 1.0
Posted on (1 year ago)
I was going to use it to dub the audios into Brazilian Portuguese
I can't use Lucas' Radcore Cement Library Builder 1.0
Posted on (4 years ago)
I've tried to run cmd loren but I can't, I would love for someone to put screenshots, or a tutorial video of how to do it it would be much easier to understand input files? how? I did not understand? put the rfc renamed? loren i just wanted to know one thing: where you actually type the commands tha...
is there a mod of the old car from marge?
Posted on (4 years ago)
(Update) Portuguese Brazilian Translation for Lucas Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher
Posted on (5 years ago)
siga as instruções Richard
Lucas Mod Launcher deletes my hacks
Posted on (5 years ago)
ok ok lucas but the freeroam.lmlm should be in the unreleased category now Has anyone changed it into the settings category but why? and thanks for the help.
Donut Mod 4: General Discussion (Level 1 Public Beta; Updated June 21st, 2019)
Posted on (5 years ago)
Loren please make the descompile version ok? with all due respect, only if you want to do it is clear...
Real Skin for Mr. Burns from the tv show
Posted on (5 years ago)
wait i will upload patience my friend
help guys with the chars
Posted on (5 years ago)
Result: The key that changes the chars is the key that you set up for the character to give a kick! now i get it thanks
help guys with the chars
Posted on (5 years ago)
ohhh, i understand, thank you very much gentlemens. The annoying thing is that the kick is disabled. but no problem...
help guys with the chars
Posted on (5 years ago)
so I need to create a shortcut key for simpsons hit and run?