Forum topic replies
Sid3300 has posted 46 times.
Posted on (5 years ago)
Feel like this mod needs some more to it. The missions are kinda plan and boring with no story, plus they aren't even named. It's a good attempt at a first mod but definitely needs some work! Would be happy to give it a second chance if there's an update :)
Moe The Vigilante
Posted on (5 years ago)
Hey, Sorry I didn't beta test more for this mod. However I'm sure gonna make a video on it
Quittin' (modding (Not DT))
Posted on (5 years ago)
It was a pleasure testing your mods. Good luck with speedrunning, sure you'll get better times than me :)
The Simpsons Hit & Run game keeps crashing!!
Posted on (5 years ago)
Hey man. Are you launching via Lucas mod launcher? If not I would recommend doing that. As for the sound my best guess would be a file corrupted or something, so the best thing to do is to reinstall. Just my personal view! Hope this helps -Sid
Bad Perfomance on 2009 Portable Toaster with Windows 7 installed (SHAR)
Posted on (5 years ago)
I know he doesn't literally mean a toaster. Just another way of saying a really slow computer lol
What Are You're Favourite Traffic Vehicles?
Posted on (5 years ago)
Taxi Ice Cream Truck Sports car A and B Mini School Bus
Changing Music
Posted on (6 years ago)
I followed the ButterApples tutorial... Well at least tried to. I somehow ended breaking the game and had to reinstall it.
Bad Perfomance on 2009 Portable Toaster with Windows 7 installed (SHAR)
Posted on (6 years ago)
Play around in the mod launcher and see what runs best in terms of FPS (If you haven't already enable the frame limiter) If that doesn't help then when the games running go to Start - Type Task Manager - Details tab - find Hit And Run - right click it and select priority and set that to high. That w...
Mission Builder
Posted on (6 years ago)
CMB recently made a very detailed tutorial on how to script etc
Has anyone else noticed that several YouTube videos about SHaR use the same thumbnail?
Posted on (6 years ago)
Also I've notice on basically everyone of LiquidWiFi's full run videos the default thumbnail is always sexy footage