Forum topic replies
Slurm Team has posted 7 times.
Futurama: Hit & Run
Posted on (1 month ago)
Futurama Hit & Run?
Posted on (8 months ago)
It's kind of difficult to give a release date, especially as a few of us are invested in other projects currently. Although that being said, the demo mod has been close to completion for a while, it's just the last 10% that will likely deceive us and take longer than we expect. We've been discussing...
Futurama Hit & Run?
Posted on (8 months ago)
Hi, thank you for your patience and continued interest in the project. The project is definitely not dead! There has been a bit of a delay though, mainly due to expanding the scope of the project. Specifically having a larger map and more complex missions has pushed back our original deadline quite...
Futurama: Hit & Run - Demo - Trailer 2
Posted on (1 year ago)
We're still alive! And slowly working on the project! There's been a few delays for multiple reasons, but mainly because we've expanded the scope of the project. Happy to answer any questions : ) - Jay
Futurama: Hit & Run - Demo - Trailer 2
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi, if you reach out to jay_mate #8495 on discord you may get a few answers.
Futurama: Hit & Run - Demo - Trailer 1
Posted on (2 years ago)
@antrast 1) The full mod has no definite release date, however we're hoping to get a demo for Level 1 out this summer. The mod is still in a very unfinished state but we think it'd be nice for the community to play a version of the mod featuring the chunk of content that already exists. This demo is...