Forum topic replies
tay has posted 23 times.
Coconut Mall, Mario kart map mod - v1.0
Posted on (1 month ago)
Matt3985 Whoopies. Looks like the link died. I've re-uploaded it. Will work now. :)
Multiple conversion WAV to RSD of ALL WAV files in one folder
Posted on (1 year ago)
I'm glad I was able to help! .rcf files aren't treated like folders. You can just ignore them when replacing files. Treat it like the contents of the .rcf files are extracted to the game root. So if i were to replace a carsound I would do CustomFiles -- sound ----- carsound ------- cletus.rsd But ye...
Multiple conversion WAV to RSD of ALL WAV files in one folder
Posted on (1 year ago)
That's a valid way of doing it for sure. There's many ways of doing this. :) I would recommend making it into a mod so that you aren't replacing the base game files. Especially if you start changing some other files. The meta.ini file is within every mod and contains the title, description, hacks th...
Multiple conversion WAV to RSD of ALL WAV files in one folder
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hi, If it's for a mod, you can always use in your meta.ini RequiredHack=FLACSupport or RequiredHack=OggVorbisSupport That way you wouldn't need to go back to the RSD format, as you can just use .ogg or .flac for the audio files instead. As for batching back to RSD i am unsure. But hope the above hel...
Shar: Gay edition
Posted on (1 year ago)
How to change a car's collision object?
Posted on (2 years ago)
Use this add-on here: You'll get a shar collision menu where you can box out. Use your custom vehicle as reference. Avoid using edit mode. Only use object mode to position, scale and rotate the collision. Don't worry about the wheels, just do the body. Se...