Forum topic replies
Chris has posted 8 times.
Donut Mod: The Rebalance Update Released
Posted on (9 years ago)
@Stenton Thank you again for pointing out the issue! It's been fixed and you can download the hotfix (Donut Mod 3.2.2) at SHAR Mods.
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (9 years ago)
So you say that the mod won't have any plot? How about you make it so the whole thing was just one of Homer's "Hotdog Dreams?" I noticed that you've already thought of a name but you said it was lackluster so how about this: Ninja Babysitters: The Mod : ) (In case you don't know this is a reference...
My Follow Mission keeps automatically completing itself when i get in my car.
Posted on (9 years ago)
You're not missing anything. The very first stage you've made it set to "final". That causes the game to assume you're on the final stage so it just completes itself. You can either change it to any number you want or just leave it blank. Either will work.
Creating a Mission: How to Make an Item-Collecting Mission
Posted on (9 years ago)
AddObjective( "delivery", "neither" )the "neither" part of this function is only used when you are in a forced car mission. If you just put AddObjective("delivery"), it'll still work fine. The same applies to "AddObjective("goto","neither")"Oh one more thing: LoadP3DFile("art/missions/level0X/___.p3...
Creating a Mission: The Basics
Posted on (9 years ago)
"Again, it can be set to any number from 0 to 999"Fun fact about AddStageTime. If you set a stage to AddStageTime(0), it'll actually add a second onto the stage anyway. We found that if you change it to AddStageTime(-1), it'll not add any time onto the stage, and instead just use time from when you...
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (9 years ago)
We have a program that can read .rcf files. It can't actually edit them though. if you want to do that you have to hex edit the RMS files. Which is easy-ish to do but very difficult to undo.
Looking for Translators
Posted on (9 years ago)
The game can render accents, circumflexes, tildes, whatever fine.
Out of Bounds on Road Rage
Posted on (9 years ago)
Oh wow. I never knew that RR would have things like that. Do you have any photos to update your original post with? Cause this sounds really interesting.