Hello! I'm Oscar! I am the lead developer for the Oscar-Mod-Pack Mod for The Simpsons Hit And Run Game. Squirrels are awsome. AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO CHANGE MY MINND KJLDFSHLKJSZHDFKJLFDHS!
I WAS ON THE LOOKOUT FOR THIS FOR MY MOD! tHANKS! :3 (that is if i have your permission?) edit: I just realized that you can use this for your mod. Nevermind!
Umm...if I were to think... if 5 missions are finished, remade all of the voice lines for the character because they were a bit quiet and I do plan to replace those Spongebob lines. Check if everything is working fine, and add some finishing touches...the demo should be out in 1 to 2 weeks from now....