Forum topic replies
Sheen has posted 24 times.
Whats Your Favourite Character/Vehicle/Map/Level?
Posted on (8 years ago)
Cletus Ferrini - Red Level 6
If you made Simpsons Hit and Run?
Posted on (8 years ago)
Honestly, I wouldn't change too much to the original game. If it were made now, I too would add servers to play missions with friends. If I had to change some things though, I would add more variety to the missions by making them include more objectives and tasks. I would definitely change the game'...
Hello from a Hit & Run designer
Posted on (9 years ago)
Hi! I'm Thunder Gives Me Glee. It's awesome to hear you've found the community now. Thank you for helping in the development of my favorite childhood video game ever. I've been playing this game since release. And each time is a fun time.
Are these possible in Hit and run?
Posted on (9 years ago)
"The first world mod will be in Donut Mod: The Conspiracy Update" *nuts*
The Electaurus
Posted on (9 years ago)
Far from proud of it, but yeah it was a free crack that was available ages ago.
Hit & Run - Cel-Shading through Sweetfx
Posted on (9 years ago)
If I had experience with this, I wouldn't hesitate to try and get this to work. Good luck with this though! I've actually wanted to see SHAR with a Cel-shade instead of the plain 3d look.
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (9 years ago)
This looks sick! I can't wait for more updates on it, and I'm more than excited to play it.
Posted on (9 years ago)
A creepypasta for this would probably sound something silly along the lines of "This was made using the screaming of dying children" or "It wasn't used because it caused animals to go suicidal when played out loud". Y'know something silly xD
L1M3 crashes my game
Posted on (9 years ago)
Well thank you for at least taking this issue into massive consideration just for us to enjoy the new update. :)