Forum topic replies
Orange Watterson has posted 19 times.
Mod Idea (Undercover Bart) - Need YOUR story ideas
Posted on (4 years ago)
Can you please come up with something of your own? You can't rely on this entire website for ideas, models, assets, basically the core components of a mod. Edit: We'd be happy to help, yes, but there is a difference between help and doing the work.
modding GameCube ISOs?
Posted on (4 years ago)
The console versions had some weird limitations. The PS2 has super underpowered hardware so the game ran at less than 30 FPS, the Gamecube (to my knowledge) had no environment maps, and the Xbox really had the best of the best as it seems all of the graphics modifications like the Refraction shader...
Mod Idea (Undercover Bart) - Need YOUR story ideas
Posted on (4 years ago)
But seriously, please stop bumping old threads from years ago requesting a mod resource. It's getting annoying
Mod Idea (Undercover Bart) - Need YOUR story ideas
Posted on (4 years ago)
Don't forget bumping every single old thread.
Non-Blender Pure3D add-ons
Posted on (4 years ago)
If your having problems with Blender add-ons and Blender in general, you might be using the wrong version. The official version for XML that DT has supports up to 2.79 and some people don't see that and use 2.80. Using this (Credit to Some Bot) you can install the XML Add-on for use in Blender 2.80...
Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher 1.20.2, Road Rage Returns 1.2.3 and more are now available
Posted on (4 years ago)
Please stop bumping old threads.
Custom HUD Icons for objects/chars/vehicles/locations NOT In the vanilla game
Posted on (5 years ago)
No need to apologize I didn't mean for you to take it that way.
How do I make that gold and silver texture from donut mod 4
Posted on (5 years ago)
You can edit the UV triangles in Blender using the 2.80 Blender XML Addon (Credit to Some Bot) and here are some images that show what the window should look like and how to re-map it to a single color. Then you can shrink all of the map po...
Custom HUD Icons for objects/chars/vehicles/locations NOT In the vanilla game
Posted on (5 years ago)
I get it we're a community and we help each other out, but I think you've been asking into oblivion here. Why not try and make your own??