Forum topic replies
Dean has posted 279 times.
get all the cars of the game
Posted on (8 years ago)
I select up down up down in the options menu, then i go to phone booth pressing F2, but nothing happens. Are you sure it works in PC version? Does I wronged something? Many cheating sites such as GameFaqs or Multiplayer putted it in the PC list, but it appears to not work on the PC version. Probably...
Would be anyone interested seeing Homer's Hotdog Dream Mod?
Posted on (8 years ago)
I would be intersested! And the name is interesting, too!
NEED BETA TESTERS - The Misadventures of Hans Moleman
Posted on (8 years ago)
I would be happy to test this mod, it seems to be so much interesting!
[Poll Closed] Making all mods decompilable.
Posted on (8 years ago)
Donut mod should be decompilable so we can use those cars in our mods
Does anyone know where can i find the p3d file for this car?
Posted on (8 years ago)
In L2_TERRA.p3d there are only the textures of the car. PS:i love that car,too
The Fourth of July Event
Posted on (8 years ago)
I disabled any mods and hacks ,but the game still crashes.My install is clean(but minimum) and i am already on Discord -JoJo
The Fourth of July Event
Posted on (8 years ago)
If I select this mod and then I launch the game, it crashes in the loading screen.Mod bug?
Donut Mod 3.2.3 Released
Posted on (8 years ago)
There is an error in the donut mod archive. if i open it with Explorer it says "The archive is not valid" and with 7-zip "Data error". please fix.
The Return of the Cars V 2.5, that's it
Posted on (8 years ago)
Gordon,you not added the last car:Audi TT. it is in art/cars/tt.p3d and is a sort of beta car same as an audi tt cabrio. If you add it,you will have to fix a problem:if the player goes in audi tt, he will collapse.