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FedoFrog has posted 25 times.
Could someone plz shrink homer a little when he's in the roofed family sedan?
Posted on (3 years ago)
Hey, thanks!. Would it make him smaller all the time though? Like even when he exits the car? And would it distort his animations in the car? Cheers!
Opaque Car Roofs mod
Posted on (3 years ago)
Wow! Thanks dude :D Now I just need to find a roofed family sedan mad that doesn't merge with homers head. Sick of seeing his head bouncing through the car roof.
Does anyone know how to make the roof of the family sedan visible? *RESOLVED
Posted on (3 years ago)
Just got the 3d editor, I'll give it a try. Thanks :) I can't seem to find "famil_vRoof_m" The original model doesn't even have a roof. aha I even downloaded blender but it doesn't even read the files.
Non-Translucent Roof
Posted on (3 years ago)
Sorry but where do you find the files for it? I'm looking all through the game directory and can't see anything to do with a roof. Or if it's coding would you mind elaborating on how to do it? Do I have to get blender? does anyone have a link to what version you'd need? Thanks :)
Is there a specific way to install the game on windows 10? Legitimate CD copy. *RESOLVED*
Posted on (3 years ago)
Yeah I've restarted It since and I still get the same results. Thanks, I might have to check out the discord! (A few moments later) I've made a discord account! But I don't have permission to send messages on the channel. Is that normal? I'm not sure how exactly one is supposed to use discord aha.
Is there a specific way to install the game on windows 10? Legitimate CD copy. *RESOLVED*
Posted on (3 years ago)
Hey, it didn't make any noticeable differences. I got the same result. Just a little black square that stops responding. I'm not too sure if this helps but I made some more .DMP files and does it help to use a compati...
Is there a specific way to install the game on windows 10? Legitimate CD copy. *RESOLVED*
Posted on (3 years ago)
Yeah, simpsons.exe stops responding shortly after I open it and I never see a loading screen.
Is there a specific way to install the game on windows 10? Legitimate CD copy. *RESOLVED*
Posted on (3 years ago)
Here's a link to a verification when I'm using the NO CD crack if that helps.. (Link Removed) Still Isn't working for me unfortunately. But thanks a heap!
Is there a specific way to install the game on windows 10? Legitimate CD copy. *RESOLVED*
Posted on (3 years ago)
Best seller series executable,? I have a no disk exe I could use would that help at all? Is that what you mean?