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Xya has posted 72 times.
Lazy In Springfield
Posted on (2 years ago)
Purple or Cyan Or Purple & Cyan The purple would be the same as the above picture, the cyan would replace the silver parts.
Lazy In Springfield
Posted on (2 years ago)
OMG, I found the model you were talking about. I actually like those headphones. Now it makes sense why the model has no ears.
Lazy In Springfield
Posted on (2 years ago)
ToMaTeh - Hey, that itself was more than I was expecting, If the tips can't be cyan, then the plain dark red hair is fine. Was this part of a pre-existing NPC or is this from scratch, either way, I like it so far. I would just like to ask if it's possible for the model to have ears or not?
The Simpsons Hit & Run: The Definitive Edition (Remake) | New Update
Posted on (2 years ago)
Everything looks so amazing, but you've sold me on just the fully detailed minimap alone. On a similar subject, one thing I've always wanted this game to have, is a full map to view in the pause menu, with Icons for: Phone Booths Clothing Stores Vehicle Stores Races Missions Collector Cards Wager An...
Gun mod v1.0 - Custom animation, model and sound
Posted on (2 years ago)
So it's like the beanbag guns the police use on the Krusty Burger protesters. Nice.
Me as a Springfielder
Posted on (2 years ago)
I've just done 3 days in a row of physical work in a sweltering environment... But watching that tutorial is what gives me the migraine. I don't understand how you guys do all this modding stuff... But it sure looks time consuming. I hate to think what the people working on Donut Mod and Futurama Hi...
Futurama: Hit & Run - Demo - Trailer 1
Posted on (3 years ago)
Yes! This is what I've been waiting for! I hope that classic Futurama Intro is played straight after the Tutorial Mission or something. Or even if it's just used as the game's intro.
Grand Theft Simpsons Row... For lack of a better title
Posted on (3 years ago)
Thanks "maz", but unfortunately, I'm no modder. I've attempted to get into modding and general Games Design in the past... But it's just not possible for me to fully grasp. My dream is to work for Volition and work on the current and future Saints Row games, and I've done nothing but create fan-scri...
Grand Theft Simpsons Row... For lack of a better title
Posted on (3 years ago)
Thanks for showing your interest and expressing your opinions: "Trainman84", "xUnknown", & "maz". Unfortunately for me, my ideas are never small scale. For me, it's always "go big or go home". Even my smaller mod suggestions always have very specific details hidden within. But just even knowing that...