Forum topic replies
Gibstack has posted 197 times.
Ferrini Racers
Posted on (8 years ago)
If you mean put 2 drivers (one passenger, one driver) in a car, I don't think it's possible. At least, not with two NPCs. I suppose maybe it's possible to take a model from either skinn_v (Agnes mesh) or cPolice (the police driver mesh) but right now, it's unfortunately not possible to have a car wi...
Springfield Grand Prix
Posted on (8 years ago)
Ah. I gotcha. But seriously, good luck trying to add more. The game will freak out if you add more than your current amount.
Springfield Grand Prix
Posted on (8 years ago)
Good luck trying to add more cars. Also, what do you mean by "AI spectators"?
Easter Egg in Jungle Falls?
Posted on (8 years ago)
Not really. I already knew about that thing at Kamp B ---... ...shitshITSHITSHIT
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (8 years ago)
I was going to mention Tha Shimpsuns Wraslin' but I wasn't sure what else applied so I just left it at that. SomeBot, do you have any teasers to Level 3? I dunno, I'm just pretty hyped for level 3 since SCM is honestly really fun to play and replay. Really, really fun.
"Stats" in SHAR
Posted on (8 years ago)
To nobody specific: Considering the gained popularity the site (hopefully?) has, I figure it's good to start posting ideas incase someone sees it and thinks "Hey, I should try doing something like that.". To Jake: Are the accumulative stats idea thing possible? It seems like the most relatively "add...
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (8 years ago)
"So long as the music in your mod is from The Simpsons: Hit & Run, then you can publish it." In other words, if you have music not from SHAR, don't publish.