Forum topic replies
iKurt has posted 37 times.
How to move interior enterance glow?
Posted on (6 years ago)
Thanks for the help offer, however I managed to move the doorstars around without a hitch. Except, like you mentioned, I didn't figure out rotations - but luckily none of the places I was moving to had a different rotation, so I didn't need to rotate them (Some of them are backwards, but you can't t...
How to move interior enterance glow?
Posted on (6 years ago)
Everything worked out perfectly, except (at least for me) L1_doorstars' skeleton in l1_doors.p3d were different: level1doors == empty level1doors1 == kwik e mart level1doors2 == kwik e mart level1doors3 == empty level1doors4 == school level1doors5 == school level1doors9 == empty level1doors7 == simp...
How to move interior enterance glow?
Posted on (6 years ago)
Thanks for your help! I'll poke around in the files you mentioned and see what I can do. Expect a status update of how it went. :)
Steamed Hams: The Mod
Posted on (6 years ago)
Excellent mod! Too bad it's not decompilable, I'd love to play around with the inner workings of this mod.
The Simpsons Hit & Run, Google Translate Edition
Posted on (6 years ago)
I'm playing your mod right now, and I just can't stop laughing - the objectives and menu items are just so random! 10/10 Mod of the Year! Great Job!
SHAR Install Type
Posted on (6 years ago)
Ah I see, I'll go with the full install then. Thank you for explaining.