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wimpy has posted 45 times.
Attack of the 50ft Eyesores: The Mod
Posted on (4 years ago)
well that was fun! definitly a mod that came out of nowhere but a nice suprise nontheless however there is a few issues, first some of the time limits are pretty tight ich is kinda a problem with how long some of the missions go on, i also encountered a problem with the last mission wich ended up lo...
Zombie Homer (ToT Entry)
Posted on (4 years ago)
getting some major stick of truth vibe from this, only more politaclly correct
a whoooollle bunch of custom icons (taking sugestions!)
Posted on (4 years ago)
it took me a while but i finally remembered where i saw that sailor guy in the show, he's actually the waiter for the frying dutchman
a whoooollle bunch of custom icons (taking sugestions!)
Posted on (4 years ago)
hugh jazz, mickael jackson i mean bald barney gumble i mean Leon Kompowsky and who could forget dear old rat boy
a whoooollle bunch of custom icons (taking sugestions!)
Posted on (4 years ago)
udapted it with various mods characters and 6 pedestrians npcs i recognised from the show (tho they have a diferent color palette in game)
Lucas' Pure3D Editor 4.0.2 Released
Posted on (4 years ago)
sorry for bumping off an old thread but where can i find a tutorial for the editor?
Pickle Mod - Rick & Morty: Hit & Run (1.1.3)
Posted on (4 years ago)
i get a message saying the no bonus game hack is not loaded, what am i suposed to do?