Forum topic replies
Koopa has posted 106 times.
[Lucas' P3D 3.1.5] Buggy textures coordinates in export
Posted on (7 years ago)
This didn't happen to me with the P3D Editor 4, with Blender. Are the UVs messed up in the latest version for you? If not, this is probably just a bug that's been fixed now.
Which games have you been playing recently?
Posted on (7 years ago)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The Simpsons: Road Rage (GBA), and occasionally Pokemon Moon. In case you haven't seen enough of me rambling about it on the Discord server, I highly recommend at least giving the GBA version of RR a shot. It's actually really good, has some neat features not...
Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher Linux Launcher
Posted on (7 years ago)
Bump: The tutorial is ready yo.
Housewife Duties - Dev continuing 2022 probably
Posted on (7 years ago)
I'd be interested in being a beta tester.
Posted on (7 years ago)
I've finished playing the missions, here are my thoughts: Mission 0 The mission text brings up "Bart's cola scheme", but doesn't really explain what that scheme actually is. Sure, it’s explained in the forum thread and all, but the mod should be able to be played without having to read it. On that n...
Back to the Future: The Game pack
Posted on (8 years ago)
You might want to say somewhere in the OP that this is Back To The Future, as someone who has never seen the movie it took me a while to figure out what BTTF stands for.
Would be anyone interested seeing Homer's Hotdog Dream Mod?
Posted on (8 years ago)
The hotdog dream line is from the credits movie.
Mission maker
Posted on (8 years ago)
Such a tool would be very complex and hard to make for such a small community, and a mission creating GUI could never give you the flexibility and control that just coding it does. (Not complaining about Chris' tool or anything, IDE != full out GUI)
September 2016 Status Update
Posted on (8 years ago)
Great Status Update, was actually more exciting than this morning's Nintendo Direct lol.
land speeder mod <UPDATED again>debunk you can still download it tho
Posted on (8 years ago)
> wordpad TBH, Wordpad is terrible for scripting, since it's more for making things bold, underlined, and formatted with pictures, none of which SHAR will understand. You should probably either use Notepad or download Notepad++.