Forum topic replies
Kenny Giles has posted 444 times.
Kremlin Steering Wheel Fix
Posted on (3 years ago)
Very odd that I’ve never noticed this before myself. Huh! That’s...going to irk me now whenever I play the vanilla game now. Stranger still considering the game forces it on the player twice but I still failed to notice it. I’m just sitting here trying to think of how it might have been forgotten. P...
DirectX asking for 8.1+ even though I have 12
Posted on (3 years ago)
Hey there! Apologies for the rather late reply. Been a bit busy with some real life shenanigans. Welcome to the forums, and I hope you enjoy playing through Hit & Run casually! Pretty interesting to see people who have no previous experience with the game trying it out themselves. We normally don't...
Why can't I play the game?
Posted on (3 years ago)
Hey there! Apologies, but could you use something such as Imgur in combination with something such as the Snipping Tool to screenshot what your Launcher looks like? I'm not familiar with anything that would cause an error like that to pop up, assuming the user is using the Launcher straight out of t...
Virtual Frink-ality - Level 1 Demo Out Now!
Posted on (3 years ago)
Thank you for pointing that out! Really quickly went ahead and updated it accordingly. Please let me know if you find any major bugs with this release that I might have overlooked as well! Hope you enjoy the update!
Virtual Frink-ality - Level 1 Demo Out Now!
Posted on (3 years ago)
Thank you for the kind words! It definitely ended up being quite a bit of texture work, but I think the aesthetic ended up looking quite pleasing and owe a lot to Tappie for the recommendation. Some textures were done by hand due to the Road Rage E3 Prototype lacking the appropriate textures, but I...
Help! A troublesome error!
Posted on (3 years ago)
Out of curiosity, does this seem to consistently happen with a certain set of mods? Or is this CD error occurring when playing the vanilla game (as in, no mods that modify the campaign to alter missions or music)? If it seems to be happening with a certain set of mods that include custom music, that...
Custom Costumes Not Working
Posted on (3 years ago)
Assuming I understand correctly, you've modified the char_swatches_lit texture in global.p3d to try to recolor Homer and Bart's shirt to be red, but it still appears the same in-game? Assuming you did this by copying char_swatches_lit and pasting it in the character's P3D (like this), the char_swatc...
How can I create my own missions in SHAR?
Posted on (3 years ago)
Hey there again! You’re not asking out of nowhere. It’s a very exciting prospect to mod the game after realizing you can and I can understand the excitement. We do have a Tutorial tag available here on the forums, but they’re not categorized in particular way and some are a wee bit old. However, thi...
doubt with the randomizer mod
Posted on (3 years ago)
Dialog is an optional toggle in EnAppelsin/Proddy's Randomizer Mod. To use it, you'd have to do some additional work to get it up and running, and then go ahead and enable the option in the mod's settings. Check out the readme here on the project's Github explaining how to set up dialog to use it wi...
I get a black screen when trying to enter the game, plz help!? *RESOLVED*
Posted on (3 years ago)
Ah, you're not being obnoxious at all! I was stoked when I initially found out about the PC port way back (and it seems a majority of people aren't aware of it's existence) and was excited to relive the game on another platform. Even more excited when I got my PC copy since the box and cards are a p...