Forum topic replies
derpster. has posted 50 times.
[Farming Simulator 15] Family Sedan
Posted on (8 years ago)
now that you're done with that, you should start preparing to port EVERY car from the game (yes, even the secret, unplayable and unused ones) :D
Donut Team got a Shout out on Did You Know Gaming!
Posted on (8 years ago)
i'll be honest, when i saw this post and clicked on it i watched the video anticipating one of my mods to show up in the video. well, there's always hope for next time :(
Now that custom maps are possible, what is one game's map that you want in Hit & Run?
Posted on (8 years ago)
i seriously can't believe i forgot to mention this in this thread, but... please, something from f-zero. please.
Now that custom maps are possible, what is one game's map that you want in Hit & Run?
Posted on (8 years ago)
ok, since everyone wants mario kart maps, how about you guys try moonview highway from mario kart wii? that was a personal favourite of mine when i still owned the game. also, how about a map from an multiplayer FPS game? i think i got an idea...
Attempting to port Reverend Lovejoy from Road Rage.
Posted on (9 years ago)
Trick or Treat Event - Tell us a spooky tale!
Posted on (9 years ago)
so earlier this morning me and my friend were just getting back from our music group thing we go to on a saturday. i got out to say bye to my mate when he was being dropped off, and as i went for the front door of the car while it was open... THE DOOR RANDOMLY SHUT BY ITSELF. this is why i believe g...
DeLorean Mod Request
Posted on (9 years ago)
@Silent yeah, but too bad that one was crap and no one else besides me and you has a copy of tuner world: rivals.
Trick Or Treat 2015 1.0 Released
Posted on (9 years ago)
h̛a̶v̛é yo͠u ̴e͝v͡e͠r̴ pla̷y̶ed ̧k̸i͞l͝li̛n͏g f̵l̴oo̸r̡?͡ ̨becaus͢e͜ t̕hi͞s gi͏v̡es̵ mȩ v͢įb͟es of how̶ ͞t͘h͘e ͟deve̵l͘o͘pe̡rs ͟d͝o̢ ͜a̶n ͠e̴v̕ent́ fo̸r ̷t͢h̶e̕ ģame ̛e͡ve̸ry h̨ơlid͝ay.
The Trick or Treat Event - October 31st to November 14th
Posted on (9 years ago)
well really, it's only oediv eno. but yeah.