Forum topic replies
derpster. has posted 50 times.
[DISCUSSION] What should be added to the new forum and the new mods website?
Posted on (9 years ago)
how about a search bar so we can scavenge for older threads/posts? now i know this might encourage resurrecting dead threads, but if there's something useful or interesting on a certain thread, i think it'd be incredibly helpful.
The Trick or Treat Event - October 31st to November 14th
Posted on (9 years ago)
oh yeah, i TOTALLY don't have anything to do with this...
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (9 years ago)
so @TheKoopaKingdom was apparently wondering about the sped up dialogue in places, specifically the exchange between homer and cletus when you start the challenge of purgatory (the ultimate challenge). well after slowing it down, lowering the pitch and reversing it, what comes out are two audio clip...
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (9 years ago)
the biggest problem (not to be confused with a flaw, of course i'm talking about the most difficult part) are the a-hole hearse and sedans ramming into you, sliding you into a different direction from where you're going. like gib said, it's pretty much luck with the AI and how fast you can actually...
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (9 years ago)
i seriously can't be the only one that finds challenge 2 incredibly impossible, right? i must have had over 25-30 attempts at it and i STILL haven't beat it. maybe i just suck. idk
Unreleased South Park Hit & Run-type game
Posted on (9 years ago)
buzz monkey software must've asked permission for the engine or something like that. netherless, it's a shame this game was canned. why was it, anyway? oh well. at least we still have 64 and the stick of truth.
Cinematic camera - how to?
Posted on (9 years ago)
you didn't mention the trailers i made? brb crying in the shower.
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (9 years ago)
from the trailer, it actually looks pretty interesting and also, original. the name could DEFINITELY be a lot better though, no offense however the name "some challenge mod" doesn't really sound all that intriguing to me for a title. i'll think try it out when i get the chance, so brb. also, another...
Reviving My Custom Music Mod (As a Music Pack now!)
Posted on (9 years ago)
i hope you succeed with your mod, knowing how much music can be an absolute pain with SH&R. btw since you do take requests i'd personally think it'd be pretty cool if you replaced halls_balls or another song from level 7 with Megadeth - Hangar 18 (HD) of course you don't have to do this, but i think...
Donut Mod: The Conspiracy Update - Your Goal
Posted on (9 years ago)
now my question is, who could 'S' possibly be?