Forum topic replies
DouglasColvin has posted 136 times.
1996 Eagle Talon mod
Posted on (8 years ago)
Thanks Max. Like it says, Im going to try to take advantage of that
Nightbane's Cars
Posted on (8 years ago)
He downloaded the Mario Kart and put it in himself, someone told him someone did it already but he did it anyways. That UFO was in the game I believe
1993 Eagle Talon mod
Posted on (8 years ago)
Thanks, next one is going to look even better because it'll have American Racing wheels and an interior this time
Custom music AND "Custom" car driver
Posted on (8 years ago)
Oh. I should probably update that Talon then..
Custom music AND "Custom" car driver
Posted on (8 years ago)
No help with music, but if you want to change who is driving a car that is locating in the vehicle.con file. Look for SetDriver("npc"); And change that, or delete it for no one
[Mod] GTA V: Vapid Interceptor
Posted on (8 years ago)
Wow, that looks really good actually. Great job for a first mod man Don't forget to add stats to the rewards.mfk at the bottom, other than that its pretty nice man