Forum topic replies
DouglasColvin has posted 136 times.
I can't edit mfk files
Posted on (8 years ago)
@max_power998 I can edit files in Program Files and Program Files (x86) no problem
I can't edit mfk files
Posted on (8 years ago)
Might be marked as read-only, I believe. Right click it, click properties, uncheck read only, and apply that. Try it then
[Tutorial] [Outdated] Posting Images, bold text, ect. with BBCode
Posted on (8 years ago)
Something I think is cool and just remembered, you can have an image be the clickable object to a link. For example; The code is: Image URL goes here (My F1 race mod) Don't just copy that, it won't work. But that is the code for it
How can i decompile donut mod?
Posted on (8 years ago)
As said, its not decompilable, but if you download a mod that is, right click it in the mod launcher and click Decompile. Same is true if you want to compile a mod, just click Compile instead.
Lucas Tools directx problems
Posted on (8 years ago)
Try using this installer
I finally have a gaming PC
Posted on (8 years ago)
Another question for people who actually understand computers, unlike me. My motherboard only has 1 USB connection, which is what the front-facing USB 2.0 port was connected to. I have an expansion bay that adds a few flash media slots that I like to have, and it connects to that same USB connection...
Donut team why did you start modding?
Posted on (8 years ago)
@MACCA If you use Nintendont, you can use a flash drive as a memory card, or an SD card I believe. I use a 32GB flash drive to store games and saves