Forum topic replies
DouglasColvin has posted 136 times.
I finally have a gaming PC
Posted on (8 years ago)
Well the only other HDD I could even use is only a 55GB HDD from my Windows XP, so can't wait until Christmas already
[Tutorial] [Outdated] Posting Images, bold text, ect. with BBCode
Posted on (8 years ago)
video url I believe you have to take the s out of https, but that may be just for another site I use. Cant remember
I want the game to load level 7 as the only level
Posted on (8 years ago)
No problem, glad to see someone working off of an idea I had.
I want the game to load level 7 as the only level
Posted on (8 years ago)
In my Springfield Grand Prix mod every car is the OWR, you can see how I did that if you download it because its decompilable if you want to
I want the game to load level 7 as the only level
Posted on (8 years ago)
This probably won't work, but you could probably replace level 1's .p3d's and other files with the files from level 7 and give it a go. Its worth a shot. If it is possible, that'd be cool to know.
Full Textbibles in CustomText Format
Posted on (8 years ago)
I hate to bump an old thread, but could this be reuploaded?
WWII Car w/ Rocket
Posted on (8 years ago)
So just to make sure, the jeep is set as the bonus vehicle for level 7 in your \scripts\missions\rewards.mfk? In rewards.mfk, if you didn't do this, you'll have this line: BindReward( "smith_v", "art\cars\smith_v.p3d", "car", "bonusmission", 7 ); Replace smith_v with gramR_v, so instead of that, it...
(SPOILER ALERT!!!) Questions regarding Donut Mod: The Rebalance Update
Posted on (8 years ago)
Dirt confirmed Oh, wait, this isnt iRacing..