Forum topic replies
TheTitaniumFox has posted 53 times.
Glitch Services
Posted on (6 years ago)
yes yes i guess you are right I was trying to help you out well to help you out even more... Do you know any speed glitches I can do? (without pressing the 2 button for instant speed no)
Glitch Services
Posted on (6 years ago)
Excuse me, I have bad grammar issues (I really didn't pay attention when it came to language arts 😂) What I mean is Driver updates from manufactures website for example if your a dell laptop visit here! HP A...
Glitch Services
Posted on (6 years ago)
No laptop should be shutting down randomly you should really consider getting a clean on those vents really go get a vacuum and some or a air mattress pump and blow away the intake with a toothbrush to try to get the dust out also I do not believe you have updated your driver from what your company...
Glitch Services
Posted on (6 years ago)
ok sounds pretty old but still I still believe there is hope! I was in your situation too and I have been there too until I recently upgraded.... and if you your a 2012 and up the integrated graphics are not as bad as you think...(Coming from a Intel HD 4000) its 2018 do you really need a disk drive...
Glitch Services
Posted on (6 years ago)
Nothing is impossible every pc is capable of doing something at least! it can't be that hard everyone at least starts off somewhere! If you don't mind would you provide me the specs of your laptop/ Desktop?
Glitch Services
Posted on (6 years ago)
bout how many glitches do you know? since it's 2018 and you know a lot of glitches how come you don't post it on YouTube and and show everybody? it would be nice
Listentomyfart465 Mod!
Posted on (6 years ago)
So is this mod is not about anything farting? your just naming it for the heck of it?
will there be new opportunities in SHaR MP?
Posted on (6 years ago)
honestly I think we should hit the reset button on this we all got on the wrong foot here sorry homer 😔