Forum topic replies
Yori_Ritsuko has posted 36 times.
🐰Homer - Easter Bunny🐰
Posted on (2 years ago)
D'aaaw :^) Just look at him... Now i remember about Rayman Raving Rabbids... :D
Doors offset trouble
Posted on (2 years ago)
By the way... :DD How can i make "damage textures" to work? Is it even possible? About five years ago, Loren wrote "damaged texture system only affects specific hard-coded texture/shader names on each car". Does it mean i can not use damage textures on custom cars? :(
Doors offset trouble
Posted on (2 years ago)
Glad to see you again! :^) Now i get it, thanks! So.. If all troubles was caused by animation, i think i can use Weasel's Blender Pure3DXML animation converter, to deal with it? Also thank you for for the offer! :) But i want to try finish it by myself... Besides you already was helped me a couple o...
Missing Drivers
Posted on (2 years ago)
Heeyy that what i thought every time i drive one of those, thanks!