Forum topic replies
Addy has posted 734 times.
Need help with Traffic Sounds
Posted on (6 years ago)
Ah. I can't help you with that, but someone else can. I was checking to see what you mean so that other users would not have to ask you to elaborate (or something like that).
Need help with Traffic Sounds
Posted on (6 years ago)
Do you mean so that the vehicle will occasionally produce an audio clip when the player is near it?
:fas-turkey: Happy Thanksgiving
Posted on (6 years ago)
Happy Thanksgiving to all of those who celebrate it! I for one, am not celebrating it from where I live. ;->
Clueless Mission Glitch?
Posted on (6 years ago)
I was not referring to you, Gordon. I was referring to Toasty's most-recent reply (prior to this post). Sorry. I should have stated that the reply was aimed at him, my bad.
Clueless Mission Glitch?
Posted on (6 years ago)
I don't use mobile. I use my laptop. Before I joined, I did use mobile but now everytime I try to do anything internet-related on my phone it crashes.
Clueless Mission Glitch?
Posted on (6 years ago)
That's a good idea CMB, but (this sounds really odd) I can't do it yet. I have some... limitations on what I can do until I purchase a new PC. When I do, I'll do stuff like: - Create accounts on Youtube and one of CMB's above suggestions. - Join the Donut Team Discord.
Clueless Mission Glitch?
Posted on (6 years ago)
Even if I did record footage, I' have nothing to upload it to (Youtube, etc).
Clueless Mission Glitch?
Posted on (6 years ago)
That was my theory. The disc in question was so scratched beyond belief that I was very surprised that it worked. Now I know this sounds like I'm making this up but I swear that I am not and have not mentioned it yes because of the theory of the disc being slightly broken (and I forgot about this th...
Magnificent Sedan of Homer from TV SHOW 2018 UPDATE
Posted on (6 years ago)
It's better than the Family Sedan used in the game.