Forum topic replies
Addy has posted 734 times.
Odd Glitch
Posted on (6 years ago)
Maybe. There were a few occasions in Kang and Kodos Strike Back where I went the opposite direction, and the sedan never came even though I was waiting for it at the brewery. I drove around the entire map but the sedan wasn't there. Also: You know the alien car you race in Alien Auto Topsy Part III?...
Odd Glitch
Posted on (6 years ago)
Thanks, . I've been looking into it, and from what I can tell, going in the opposite direction in any race means that the area where the opponent is driving unload, added with the fact that the opponent's movement is based off of how close to it you are, you get the weird result of the opponent stop...
Odd Glitch
Posted on (6 years ago)
It didn't seem like he had got stuck somewhere. The wreckage of his limo was facing towards the bridge and was right in front of him. Also, now that I think about it, I remember something else in this mission as well... It was my first attempt at using the power plant shortcut glitch, and I did it c...
Need mods to play
Posted on (6 years ago)
I'd rather listen to this in Set to Kill than the music which plays in said mission (not saying that the music which does play is bad, but this track suits it more.)
Need mods to play
Posted on (6 years ago)
It's too bad that music only gets used once; I can think of several missions where it would make sense for it to be used. If you're still looking for more mods, I'd recommend trying some of Gordon CMB's mods.
We're looking for new Donut Bot introduction messages!
Posted on (6 years ago)
This first one is a variation of one of Some Bot's ideas. How tough is {username}. How tough is {username)? {Username} beat Set to Kill on his first try! Also: A new user! He shall pay the ultimate price. And: Vote Max W for moderator! Or: Donut Team: 5 days without an mod. Wait... That's not correc...
Need mods to play
Posted on (6 years ago)
Sure. Here you go: Sorry that I can't actually hyperlink it.
Need mods to play
Posted on (6 years ago)
Oh. How about a mod that's quite recent, Colou's Bonfire Night mod?
Need mods to play
Posted on (6 years ago)
Try Nightbane's Steamed Hams mod for an unforgettable gaming. (Yes, I know that doesn't make sense.)