Forum topic replies
Loren has posted 762 times.
Editing a vehicle's collision boxes (including the wheels')?
Posted on (9 years ago)
Unless you like complicated hex editing, no, there is no way to do that currently. It is simpler than the world collisions so maybe there will be an editor someday (the world is far, far more complex).
Hover bikes with visible "wheels" and other problems
Posted on (9 years ago)
Assuming you're already using CustomCarSupport (you should be if you have any custom vehicles) you can add this to the section for the car: NoSkidMarks=0
Hover bikes with visible "wheels" and other problems
Posted on (9 years ago)
Delete the wShape1 chunks found here in your copy of the car. The game is hardcoded to hide these for the vehicle hbike_v and a couple other cars like the Witch broom and the Hover car. This obviously doesn't affect custom cars.
How do you change traffic vehicles?
Posted on (9 years ago)
In each leveli.mfk there's a part that looks like this: CreateTrafficGroup(0); AddTrafficModel(carname, amount, no_park); CloseTrafficGroup( ); - carname: The name of the car (it has to be loaded in level.mfk first) - amount: The amount of the car. This can be up to 5, and the combined total of each...
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (9 years ago)
Your mod shouldn't forcefully require a music mod IMO. You should recommend it but not require it.
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (9 years ago)
@SomeBot If you only want people to use it with your mod for the time being, then add RequiredMod=WhateverYourModsInternalNameIs to the Music Mod's Meta.ini. If they choose to remove it, that's their problem.
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (9 years ago)
I'm downloading this now and I have to ask why in god's name this mod is close to 600MB. EDIT: I know why now and I strongly suggest you distribute the music mod separately for people who don't want it (or have some sort of data cap where it'd be an issue). Anyways, I'll go try this out now.
Donut Mod 3.1.4 Mission Crash
Posted on (9 years ago)
This issue should exist in all versions of Donut Mod 3 to date so downloading an old one won't help. We changed something in a new version that's coming sometime tonight that fixes some issues with this mission, hopefully this one included.