Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
No Bart tutorial voice in level 1
Posted on (2 years ago)
I'm unsure why. Is you game in any other language than English? Are you using the "Bug fixes" setting in the mod launcher? Try to toggle the "Bug fixes" setting in the launcher, let me know how that goes!
3D Phone Booth Previews: Hearse Error
Posted on (2 years ago)
Or just convert the actual car's p3d to a "shop preview" p3d and placing that in "art\frontend\dynaload\cars", there's a function for that in the P3D Editor.
An Unusual Christmas - Holidays 2020 Submission
Posted on (2 years ago)
I'm no longer going to update this mod, it was only released for the contest in 2020. I'll lock this thread.
How to edit background cutscene gags?
Posted on (2 years ago)
Thanks maz, got it to work eventually(...) Super!
How to edit background cutscene gags?
Posted on (2 years ago)
You would have to rig your model to use the skeleton inside the gag
How to edit background cutscene gags?
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hello there! I'm sorry for the late reply. You can find gags in "art/nis/gags/". If you want to change which gags load in your level, go in that level's script directory (i.e scripts/missions/level01/ for level 1) and open "level.mfk" in a text editor. If you scroll down enough, you'll find the code...
replace Kamp Krusty with Kamp Koral for Annoy Squidward level 3 idea
Posted on (2 years ago)
As far as I know, the author of Annoying Squidward isn't really around here anymore. I don't know if they browse this forum anymore, there's a chance they do but keep in mind you might not get a direct answer from them.
Crash Reports
Posted on (2 years ago)
The hyperlink was wrongly formatted, my bad. It should work now!
Crash Reports
Posted on (2 years ago)
Oh that's a crash unrelated to the ini file and strictly related to the current release of Donut Mod 4. I have made a fix that I sent to people with the same issue, you can download it right herelink removed by moderator This should fix that and another crash that people seem to encounter. I hope th...