Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
How to drive misc vehicles in the Bonus Game?
Posted on (3 years ago)
I'm pretty sure Cheat Engine itself is not a harmful virus and the only reason it gets detected is because it has to inject other programs in other to work, which may cause the antivirus to say "Hey suspicious activity is going on here, this program (cheat engine) is injecting this other program to...
Club Penguin
Posted on (3 years ago)
Was thinking more of those sleds you use for the Sled Race minigame or the one in the horror night of the living sled film within the game
How to drive misc vehicles in the Bonus Game?
Posted on (3 years ago)
Only way of driving those in the bonus game is by adding them to the phonebooth & the frontend page for the bonus game via modding or the little harder way by using cheat engine
Any chance to get a remake or remaster?
Posted on (3 years ago)
Unfortunately, many of the remasters out there have been taken down. Most (if not) all on YouTube are discontinued for this reason or because the maker got no more motivation. If we're ever getting a remaster or a sequel, EA should announce it as they hold the rights to The Simpsons in game developm...
Traffic groups for Colou's FCM mod?
Posted on (3 years ago)
He is not actively working on it, IIRC he has other (modding related) projects that he is working on & the life outside of internet
Happy Pranksgiving (Version 1.0)
Posted on (3 years ago)
I've gotten my chance to play this mod & here's some feedback. (which hopefully helps when you're going to improve the gameplay!) The main story itself, it was nice & eventful, it was quite confusing as to why there were chase sedans around krusty burger though. One other thing I have noticed is tha...
How do I change traffic vehicles?
Posted on (3 years ago)
Hi, so changing traffic is not that hard. Let's say you'd like to change the traffic for the first level; For that, you'll need to go inside scripts/missions/level01. There, you will look for the two level files, level.mfk and leveli.mfk. You can edit them with any text editor (eg. Notepad). First t...
My second rant.
Posted on (3 years ago)
Hihi, before you get into reading, please know that the point of this reply is not in any way to make you feel bad (if it seems like that) but rather help you feel a little better :) It's nice that you got some time to get to type this and I guess it's pretty understandable that you might feel a lit...