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mazzy has posted 578 times.

The Simpsons: Hit & Run Released

Sharmp Sumo

Posted on (3 years ago)

That area is actually the DM 4 Stadium, I stole it from Loren and retextured it a little.

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SHAR: Mod Showcase

Mo' Pickups, Mo' Problems

Posted on (3 years ago)

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3 replies

Help with Frame Rate/Frame Pacing

Posted on (3 years ago)

Hi, sorry for getting quite late to you. I'm not sure what could be the cause of that, do you have the Frame Limiter setting on? Or the Anti-Aliasing. Both of these could affect that. Try turning them on/off and let me know what happens. The game itself shouldn't really lag, but depends from machine...

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The Simpsons: Hit & Run

Mountain Drew Preview #1 (Tutorial Mission)

Posted on (3 years ago)

Hello, I will lock this thread as I have merged it in the main topic of the mod. Please read my response in this thread for more information

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SHAR: Mod Showcase Released

Mountain Drew (Version 1.1) NEW UPDATE

Posted on (3 years ago)

Hi-hi, this sounds quite exciting, however I would like to give you a heads up that you should probably post all of the updates regarding the mod development in this topic, not just for relevancy & context but also because it's hard to keep track of 3 topics. Please, for the future, edit or post on...

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SHAR: Mod Showcase Released

Game Boy Style Family Sedan (v1.2) Now with more Homer!

Posted on (3 years ago)

I've seen this but forgot to reply earlier, anyway. This was a nice idea & a pretty good use of the shader filter mode! I love stuff like this, maybe you should give custom skins a try as well & make a model of Homer that goes with this car. Very very nice.

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The Simpsons: Hit & Run Released

Sharmp Sumo

Posted on (3 years ago)

I've had people tell me the same thing when I worked on it; I remember playing that back then and was a very fun & clever one, borrowed the idea of using death triggers as well as the duff ring from there!

5 replies
The Simpsons: Hit & Run Help Needed

How can I change SHAR's music for another?

Posted on (3 years ago)

Welcome! It is actually not that hard, Colou made a tutorial before which you can find here. If you have any questions regarding that however, I would be more than happy to help! You could ask them in this thread for consistency. Good luck with that & school as well!

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SHAR: Mod Showcase Released

Non-Euclidian Cylinder car

Posted on (3 years ago)

That's nice, I'm glad others can learn from stuff I make!! Thank you!

7 replies
SHAR: Mod Showcase Released

Non-Euclidian Cylinder car

Posted on (3 years ago)

Lol I see. This effect is actually not that hard to obtain, the mod is decompilable if you'd like to check out the Geometry/Meshes inside the car's p3d file! On a brief explanation, you'd need a model that has a transparent shader that overlaps the model in the back (eg. the front mesh is homer + th...

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