Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
quelle touche on utilise mod multi-meme les simpson hit et run
Posted on (4 years ago)
Francais Bonjour, j'utilise un traducteur pour vous taper ceci. Kenny Giles a déjà répondu à votre question dans un post précédent. Veuillez arrêter de commencer de nouveaux messages en posant la même question. English Hi, I'm using a translator to type this to you. Your question has already been an...
How can I modify the animations?
Posted on (4 years ago)
Okay so, let's say you will want to get Marge's animation on homer1 To achieve that, you go in scripts\missions\level01\leveli.mfk You must go to the line that has AddCharacter("homer", "homer"); You will want to replace homer with marge. and will now be playing as both marge with her animation. If...
Homer's mattress
Posted on (4 years ago)
@Durtvan do you have more than the usual number of cars in level 7 in your rewards.mfk file? If so, you might have to remove one or two cars at least to make space for these. My vehicle mods allow you to use your custom rewards files unless you have already the maxmium number of cars for the level 7...
Try n Save ride
Posted on (4 years ago)
@jackex2005 The issue should now be fixed. Please re-download the mod, I have reuploaded a working version of that. The little husk should as well no longer crash when exiting it.
debug mode
Posted on (4 years ago)
Are you sure you have Debug Test hack enabled? Debug Checks, Debug Test and Debug Text are each different. The one you want to use is Debug Test. Hopefully this helps.
Beta Husk - Restoration.. somewhat.
Posted on (4 years ago)
No problem! I thought that it would be kind of nice to share it with the community & give it away to everyone in need of it. I'm pretty sure there are few other creators that made a smiliar vehicle and probably wouldn't want their variants shared, so instead people could just use this one!
Donut Team Status Update: Ask Us Anything
Posted on (4 years ago)
What is the exact purpose of the 'multiplayer' in the Debug Test hack? Will we probably get any sort of split screen hack in the future? I would really love to hear about that.
how to edit map
Posted on (4 years ago)
There is a work-in-progress map editor that the Donut Team are currently working on. It isn't public yet, however you could use the Blender map data editor, developed by Weasel on a Stick#17314 . Hope this satisfies your question!
Treehause of horror 1.2
Posted on (4 years ago)
Great work, I love the orange tint & the spooky vibes I'm getting!