Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
SkeleTown: The Adventures of Skelly the Skeleton (1.2)
Posted on (4 years ago)
Really enjoyable. Loved it, keep it up like this!
Is there a mod to extend the loading screens?
Posted on (4 years ago)
Never tried it myself, but you could change your level.mfk with a level.lua and add the following function & use it. local seconds = 5 -- or whatever number you wish to wait, in seconds. function w(x) time = os.clock() while os.clock() -time < x do end end w(seconds)
Trick or Treat Event: Halloween Creator Contest
Posted on (4 years ago)
Damn this sounds like fun. Now I've got a purpose!
Community Highlight: Summer 2020
Posted on (4 years ago)
@QTIPMAN64 You should probably address that issue in a new forum topic or email it to Donut Team. Make sure you read the Discord FAQs:
New Levels
Posted on (4 years ago)
It is actually possible if someone has the time and patience to do that. And the way you typed that, I doubt anybody will without any kind of reward. You could download the Pure 3D files editor from the downloads page & make it yourself by replacing textures.
Welcome to Donut Team, introduce yourself!
Posted on (4 years ago)
Sounds like an easier way to make people introduce themselves. I'm maz, kind of average modder to the game I could say. I rarely post because most of the stuff I do is random & dumb I could say. Kind of old in modding I guess, been following you guys since 2011 (when I began using the old tweak edit...
Is there a way to turn off car damage?
Posted on (4 years ago)
You could create a mod and build a lua file that modifies the HitPoint() value for each .con file you have in the game. Create a .lua file called HandleCars.lua & write in a function to modify the files. local path = "/GameData/"..GetPath() local file = ReadFile(path) if file ~= ReadFile("/GameData/...
Problem L1 M7 for custom mission
Posted on (4 years ago)
Well, from what I understand, first of all, you did not add a stage vehicle "burns_v", only activated it. So, you might aswell want to add this line under the rest of "AddStageVehicle" AddStageVehicle("burns_v","{locator}","race","burns_v.con", "burns"); Where {locator} is any locator of your choice...