Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
Peugeot 206
Posted on (11 months ago)
Most links that have been hosted through Discord are dead. I am working on migrating every mod to our new platform that will no longer need Discord's hosting. Try this link
"Midnight Racing: Springfield": Released beta & backstory
Posted on (11 months ago)
Nope. I ignored the previous request as it was basically the same thing. I know you're Sniper Gaming & the answer is and will be: no, until I decide to make this decompilable. The more you're bothering me about it, the less I want to share the models. I should've banned you for ban evasion & alterna...
"Midnight Racing: Springfield": Released beta & backstory
Posted on (11 months ago)
Hi, this mod hasn't received an update for a long while (and it may not any time soon) because of the lack of motivation to work on it.
how to make a custom mission
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hi there, welcome! There are plenty of tutorials on the forum, that may serve as an introduction to creating missions. - Basics - Item collecting - Follow objective (Credits: MarioGaming64) Also make sure to check the Official Documentation set up by Donut Team I hope you're having a good day & good...
Cant download character swap
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hi, I made that mod. The file was uploaded on Discord, prior their new (and stupid) update that no longer allows you to access files outside of Discord. I have reuploaded a new one right here. Let me know if this works!
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hi there! Those are some really interesting suggestions right there and I appreciate you typing this. We have plenty of tools that could allow you to start modding on your own & maybe achieve some of it. The Mod Bakery offers plenty of tools to get some work done with. Also, as the creator of Dynami...
Traffic vehicles in phone booth mod?
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hello there, welcome! There is no need of mods for that one. You can enable the Unlock All Reward Vehicles cheat found here. Note, that requires a 100% completion of the game
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hi there, welcome! That is, because the currently hosted version of the multiplayer is not the same as the Lucas mod launcher version. The latest version of SHARMP is available in our Discord Server. It has been retired from the site because of a false red flag from Google.
Can Someone Please Help Me Use The Lucas Mod Editor?
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hi there, welcome! There is no Lucas Mod Editor, there is a Lucas Mod Launcher and a Lucas Pure 3D file (.p3d) editor. The mod launcher helps launching the game with mods, while the pure 3d file editor helps you editing game files. If you would like to create your own mods, please check out this doc...