Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
How do I add textures to a model with pink textures?
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hi there! It appears that your model has no shader (which is what causes the pink texture) To give it a shader, you must select the Mesh chunk inside your Static Entity & then select the Old Primitive Group inside the Mesh, and just select one of the available shaders. If you would like to change th...
Additional Characters
Posted on (1 year ago)
Right-click on the mods and decompile them. Then go inside Fully Connected Map, CustomFiles/art/ and copy all files from there by selecting them & right-clicking and then go to Copy. Last step, go inside Donut Mod, on the same path (CustomFiles/art/) then right-click and press Paste to add your file...
Additional Characters
Posted on (1 year ago)
What you could do is: decompile the mods & check for the files they both use & replace them. Can have unwanted side-effects if not done carefully
Additional Characters
Posted on (1 year ago)
I'd also like to ask if you have set up "CommandLine.txt" currectly, as Jake has shown in the other thread. CommandLine.txt goes next to your mod launcher.
CommandLine.txt Doesn´t work
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hi there, you were told in a previous post how to bypass/ignore that error. I'd like to ask you not create multiple threads on the matter & just keep it in there. If you need any further assistance on this matter, please refer to my last reply in that thread.
Additional Characters
Posted on (1 year ago)
Didn't work as in - the error still pops up? Please elaborate more on what happens. If the error still keeps popping up, I told you to just press "No" to skip/ignore it. The game should then proceed further. This doesn't properly work with all mods & some of they may result in a crash.
Additional Characters
Posted on (1 year ago)
Disable the mod or create a "CommandLine.txt" file next to your mod launcher executable and type in the following: -allowignoremodconflicts The error will still pop up, but you will be able to skip/ignore it.
Additional Characters
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hi there, I just added a new version of Characters Swap (Characters Swap Plus Plus) that features characters found in Additional Characters & some more. You can check it out here!
2 Separate games in 1 connected story.
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hi there! I'm happy to see you're going to start & work on your own mod (I wish you luck!). I'd like to let you know that I have moved your thread to the appropriate board from The Simpsons: Hit & Run to SHAR: Mod Showcase.