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mazzy has posted 578 times.

The Simpsons: Hit & Run Question

Missing almost all of the hacks in mod loader

Posted on (1 year ago)

Yes, a lot of these hacks are enabled by default or automatically enable themselves when required by another hack or mod.

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The Simpsons: Hit & Run

Mod Starter for Custom music's and Model's and Voice Pack's

Posted on (1 year ago)

There is a tutorial on Custom Movies/FMV cutscenes. It should cover almost every bit of the process. Additionally, you'll need to require this hack if your fmv cutscene has a different resolution than the default one

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The Simpsons: Hit & Run Help Needed

How do I replace the circular wheel hitboxes of my custom cars with squares?

Posted on (1 year ago)

Kind of. You can draw a different drawable depending on the vehicle's health, but you can't dynamically deform the mesh. Check out SetConditionalParameter command featured in the Additional Script Functionality hack.

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The Simpsons: Hit & Run Question

Better textures

Posted on (1 year ago)

Hi there! If I'm not mistaken, that error is shown when trying to import a texture whose resolutions aren't powers of two. Double check if your texture's resolution has both it's dimensions as valid powers of two and try again. If not, I suggest using an editing program such as Paint.NET to change t...

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SHAR: Mod Resources Released

It's the Cell-Shading effect, but stylized and cute 😻

Posted on (1 year ago)

That's quite nice! Dare I say though, you should give a little bit of color to the shading for each level to match the ambience. Maybe do it manually or use lua to read the light color from the terra files and apply them on the shaders when loaded

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The Simpsons: Hit & Run

Mod Starter for Custom music's and Model's and Voice Pack's

Posted on (1 year ago)

Hello there and welcome! There are plenty of tutorials on our forum which you can check out & get an idea of how things work. Here are a bunch of tutorials that I suggest you look into for the matters you've mentioned: Configuring Mods by DonutTeam How To Add Dialogue by XLittleSparrowX Adding Custo...

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6 replies
Support Help Needed

Game crashes when loading a saved file

Posted on (1 year ago)

Upload your save file(s) to Google Drive or Dropbox & send your links in here. You can find those files in the game's directory as "Save1", "Save2", etc.

3 replies
Support Help Needed

"Unable to save game. Check to see you have file write permissions"

Posted on (1 year ago)

Perhaps try running the Launcher as an Administrator. It appears that the Launcher can't create a crash dump file, possibly because it has no permissions to create files on your C: drive. Let me know if that fixes your issue!

4 replies
The Simpsons: Hit & Run Discussion

Mods to play Now

Posted on (1 year ago)

Hi there, and welcome back! A lot of stuff has happened since your last visit on the site, and we've developed a new site specifically for hosting mods - The Mod Bakery! In addition to that, I recommend you check out our latest official release - Project Donut: Anniversary Edition, which features a...

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SHAR: Mod Requests Discussion

A Christmas Theme Mod Idea

Posted on (1 year ago)

Hi there and welcome! There are a few christmas themed mods already that you may check out. Some I can think of right now are ACIS (A Christmas In Springfield), AUC (An Unusual Christmas) and TGOCP (The Ghost Of Christmas Presents). I hope this answer is satisfying and have a great day!

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