Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
Nissan 240sx
Posted on (1 year ago)
I'm sorry, but my answer remains unchanged. If you wish to discuss anything, please join the DT Discord server & refrain using forum replies for a chat. Have a good day.
Tuesday Topics #73: What's Next for Donut Mod
Posted on (1 year ago)
As far as I know, multiplayer is on-hold now and it only serves as a proof of concept. However, it is available to check out here if you're interested in roaming around with your friends without any specific goal.
How do I make my car use the damage texture just for the windows?
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hi there, adding damaged textures is pretty easy, although very limited per-car model. There are 4 shaders names that support damaged textures: {carname}HoodNorm_m {carname}BackNorm_m {carname}DoorDNorm_m {carname}DoorPNorm_m Each of these shaders supports two textues: {carname}{shadername}Norm.bmp...
How do I make a mod settings menu?
Posted on (1 year ago)
To add settings for a mod, you'd have to create a specific section in your Meta.ini file, check more on the section on this page. Changing the texture/mesh/etc can be done using Lua P3D Lib and the GetSetting function.
scripting tomfoolery
Posted on (1 year ago)
My favorite scripting tomfoolery is teleporting the player in a car while driving another - which will result in having the player control two cars. You can go a few steps further & give the AI control to the car you teleported the player into & have the perspective of an AI car & watching the other...
I want to make a mod but i get this message and i cant compile what should i do
Posted on (1 year ago)
Makre sure file extensions are enabled & change the name to "Meta.ini"
I want to make a mod but i get this message and i cant compile what should i do
Posted on (1 year ago)
No. May I ask if your file ends in .ini format?
I want to make a mod but i get this message and i cant compile what should i do
Posted on (1 year ago)
Could you show what's in your Meta.ini file?