Published by Loren

Learn about automated code testing and how it will (hopefully) help us reduce bugs on our web services in the future.



Hey everyone, this is Loren from Donut Team and welcome to yet another Tuesday Topics blog post!

This week, I've been a bit busy with real life stuff but I have still been working on Donut Team things here and there. It's all kinda mundane but I'd still like to talk about it.

Automated Code Testing

I tend to pride myself on making things that work pretty well. That said, I can, at times, be a bit reckless with some changes and it's something I've been trying to work on to avoid pushing broken changes to production.

One safeguard against this that I started implementing this past week is automated code testing with Mocha, a testing framework for Node.js.

At the moment, I'm working on adding various tests to Donut Box, our shared code library I've discussed a bit before, to help ensure that code that's used across our various codebases continues to function as intended even if I make changes to it in the future.

Right now, I have around 30 tests implemented for various utility functions and I plan to add more as I develop the library and our various services.

Here's to hopefully fewer bugs in our future! :)


Thanks for reading another one of our Tuesday Topics posts! See you again next week.

- Loren from Donut Team

*P.S.: Borb thinks you should listen to this.

P.S.S.: I will be out of state next week so you should expect a Tuesday Topics hosted by Borb . I'm sure it will be something!