Published by Loren

This week we'd like to offer a brief reminder about the Mod Jam and talk about a couple other subjects.


Hey everyone, this is Loren from Donut Team and welcome to another Tuesday Topics blog post!

This week, I'd like to shine a spotlight on the community's submissions for the Tropical Getaway Mod Jam and briefly discuss a couple other subjects.

Tropical Getaway Submissions

With the submission deadline on the horizon, various community members have thrown their hat into the ring on the forum.

I, for one, would like to say that the submissions so far are really cool and I'm glad to see that everyone is having a good time with it!

I plan to add them all to the Community Releases page in due time (with permission from the authors) but, for now, you can browse them all with the flair filter linked below.

Browse Submissions

Open Applications for Moderation Staff Positions

We are still accepting applications for Moderation Staff positions.

So far, we've recieved quite a few applications and quite a few jokes (y'all are funny) but we'd still love to hear from you if you're interested and haven't applied yet!

In case you missed it last week, you can check out the previous Tuesday Topics for more information.

Adventures in Sass

Improving and streamlining development of our web services is an everpresent goal for me.

This past week, that meant learning all about Sass.

Up until now, I had been writing our stylesheets the traditional way: plain old CSS. This is inefficent for various reasons, though, and that's why extension languages like Sass exist: to help streamline the process. I've been aware of Sass for quite some time but my main takeaway from this past week is: wow, I really wish I had looked into this sooner.

This is all still a learning experience for me but, so far, I've leveraged Sass to convert the vast majority of the CSS used for this website into reusable mixins. For instance, this means things like the buttons used across this website are easily reusable and customisable for future use.

This also means I can more easily include just the rules required for our various websites, such as this one, and combine them all into a single stylesheet. This reduces the amount of requests your browser has to make to our server and makes things more efficent on your end as well. It's a win-win!


Thanks for reading another one of our Tuesday Topics posts! See you again next week.

- Loren from Donut Team

P.S.: Borb thinks you should listen to this.