Published by Loren

Learn a little bit about what's been happening.


Hey everyone, this is Loren from Donut Team and welcome to another Tuesday Topics!

This week, I'd like to discuss some of the stuff we've been up to these past couple of weeks.

Mod Bakery Progress

To start, there has, of course, been further progress on Mod Bakery:

  • Creators can now remove and upload icons to their releases.
  • Release icons, images and files are all now 100% hosted on a new CDN which simplifies things on our server a great deal.
  • The routes have been restructured quite significantly (with backwards compatibility for old links) to make things more organized.
  • A great many other internal changes and improvements to make the platform better.

The platform still hasn't moved into "Closed Beta" but we are substantially closer to this stage now. As I said previously, if you're interested in participating, please send me an email at to express your interest. :)

Homepage Updates

A conversation on Discord recently inspired me to improve our homepage a little bit by adding our pinned releases, the Mod Launcher and the Pure3D Editor, near the top so they're easier to find for people visiting our website for the first time.

Donut Mod

Regarding Donut Mod, we sincerly appreciate your patience. It'll still be a while yet before we can properly show you the next version of Donut Mod but we've been chipping away at it. Just this last week, we've had several long calls to collaborate and work on it as a team and some very cool things have come out of it.

For now, though, I'll just leave you with this: I hope you like water.


That's all for this week. I hope you enjoyed this week's Tuesday Topics and we'll see you again in two weeks!

- Loren from Donut Team

P.S.: Borb wants you to listen to this and Mochapoke to this.