Forum topic replies
Koopa has posted 106 times.
Level 1 Movie - Beta vs. Final Comparison
Posted on (8 years ago)
Nice, I've always wondered where Kyle's avatar came from.
SC&MCS ML...Wait, what the actual...?
Posted on (8 years ago)
Just to save everyone's time: Level 2 Loading Screen: Level 3 Loading Screen: Illuminati Sedan: Modern Cola: Extra:
Something i've been working on...
Posted on (8 years ago)
SomeBot, your avatar goes well with that post.
Unused Voice Clips on
Posted on (8 years ago)
My bad, Chrome(or the forum?) seems to be changing %26 to %2526 in the URL, so you have to copy-paste the url instead of clicking it. I'd imagine it's because of the amperand, like you said. Anyways, good job! EDIT: I think that the Apu...
Unused Voice Clips on
Posted on (8 years ago)
The link has an extra %26 in it. Wiki Page: Voiceover Page:
Now that custom maps are possible, what is one game's map that you want in Hit & Run?
Posted on (8 years ago)
Do you think that the engine can handle the whole thing? It kinda sounds... Impossible *winks at Jake*
Now that custom maps are possible, what is one game's map that you want in Hit & Run?
Posted on (8 years ago)
Maybe a simple version of the hub world from The Simpsons Game? (It isn't in the PS2 version, only PS3, so I'm not sure how one would go about obtaining the model, or simplifying it for SHAR)
The Lucas Holiday Event is now live! [Day 2 now out]
Posted on (8 years ago)
You guys rock :O Happy Holidays!