Forum topic replies
Koopa has posted 106 times.
This is what happens when you want to run Donut Mod on Ubuntu.
Posted on (9 years ago)
Are you hinting at something :O
This is what happens when you want to run Donut Mod on Ubuntu.
Posted on (9 years ago)
The other cars are normal. I was just kidding about the DLC part, this is a unmodified Donut Mod. This is just a side effect of running it inside a virtual machine.
Replace moving Train Car in Hit & Run Level 2?
Posted on (9 years ago)
I think that your images are private, try uploading them to imgur.
Posted on (9 years ago)
I'm not really sure where to ask this, since it isn't important enough for it's own thread, but here is good enough, I guess. I'm currently using the halloween DT background for my desktop, and I was wondering if you could link the normal pink background here.
Posted on (9 years ago)
Cool rewards! Any ETA for the new mod site?
[Feedback] Trick Or Treat Event
Posted on (9 years ago)
The event was great, and I'd love to see it again!
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (9 years ago)
If you're looking for the card above the fire truck, you have to think outside of the box, and look in places you normally wouldn't go.
Hex editor
Posted on (9 years ago)
Never used it for hit and run specifically, but I use HxD for rom hacking.
extracting sounds from game demos e. g. crash tag team racing
Posted on (9 years ago)
uh Are you talking about extracting SHAR's demo's audio?