Forum topic replies
Dean has posted 279 times.
SH&R: Beta Recreation Mod Pack | Announcement + PS2 Proto port release!
Posted on (2 days ago)
Hi, this project is really interesting. I had previously made a beta restoration mod back in 2019-2020 which, in your scheme should correspond to the May 2003 arc, around E3-Press builds. If you want you can give it a look here. Your project is nice, and I do believe it's a totally doable work with...
Any plans for the 20th anniversary of the game?
Posted on (1 year ago)
Nice thought, an update for DM4 would be nice. The recent Tuesday Topics and content updates in general have been quite disappointing imo.
Hell Inspector's Mod of Stupidity (Ver 1.1)
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hey to me there is a game-crashing error when dying in the Captain Toad minigame. It says something like "couldn't find a skeleton named homer in homer.cho" and then it just gives the option to debug the error but forces the game to close.
Hell Inspector's Mod of Stupidity (Ver 1.1)
Posted on (2 years ago)
Nice work ye did lad! Let's go eat some cheese 'n' crackers chuck!
An Evening in Springfield (Coming Soon) Early Screenshot Teaser
Posted on (2 years ago)
The screenshot looks like very first project donut versions with level 4 sky
Favorite car to drive in Hit and run?
Posted on (3 years ago)
As a kid I was amazed by cars you couldn't drive in vanilla game, and this is what took me to try and start modding the game. Driving the milk truck or the nonuplets minivan was my dream when I was like 9. At first I used Lucas' SHaR Tweak, that old broken tool which I still have (and which imo is s...