Forum topic replies
Dean has posted 283 times.
Family Sedan based on Police Car - Mod Release
Posted on (3 years ago)
The concept overall isn't bad, i never thought about the great shape similarity between the Police car and the "classic" Family Sedan. Really good work!
Broken milk truck and races
Posted on (3 years ago)
Regarding the milk truck, don't use Phonebooth plus, that mod is broken. For the races, idk but I don't think the crashes are connected
Hatsune Miku
Posted on (3 years ago)
Real good work Somebot, I love that character! Btw, Why isn't this post getting any votes after 16 hours? Am I the only one voting it? Very weird...
Winter Theme - Complete Edition (v4.0 - FINAL) - Holiday 2020 Candidate
Posted on (4 years ago)
The mod is now officially a candidate for the Holiday 2020 contest.
the loud house hit and run mod?
Posted on (4 years ago)
Hi, the board you chose for the topic is incorrect, since you're not showcasing a mod, you're asking for one. And plus, It is very unlikely that someone will actually create the mod/ mod resource you're asking for! ;)
Winter Theme - Complete Edition (v4.0 - FINAL) - Holiday 2020 Candidate
Posted on (4 years ago)
Hey guys, Winter Theme - Complete Edition has fullfilled its goal! Version 4.0 NOW AVAILABLE!
Winter Theme - Complete Edition (v4.0 - FINAL) - Holiday 2020 Candidate
Posted on (4 years ago)
Version 3.5 now available! Watch the main thread for further information and changelog.